Pears Jewish Campus Berlin

Actively promoting Jewish life in Germany

To actively promote Jewish life in Germany and anchor Hans Finkelstein’s legacy in remembrance culture, Bayer sponsored the Hans Finkelstein Wing at the Jewish Campus Berlin. It is home to three Bayer science labs, providing students and scholars at the Jewish campus with a modern and best-in-class environment for scientific education. The wing was named after Dr. Hans Finkelstein, as was the Hans and Berthold Finkelstein Foundation.

Treffen mit Berninger

Oliver Renner, Head of Communications Bayer Pharmaceuticals, Matthias Berninger, Head of Public Affairs, Science, Sustainability & HSE at Bayer, the former Bayer CEO Werner Baumann and Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, Chairman of the Chabad community and initiator of the project during the opening of the "Pears Jewish Campus" on June 25 in Berlin. © Max Mordinson 

Four years after construction began, the Jewish Campus (PJC) in Berlin was opened in June 2023. As a co-initiator of Bayer's commitment to its culture of remembrance, former CEO Werner Baumann joined the event as one of the guests. The 8000 m2 interfaith campus is based on three pillars - education, culture and sport. The educational facilities now also include Bayer science labs, allowing students to study chemistry in a state-of-the-art setting. Apart from financial support, Bayer and the Campus will engage in a long-term ideational partnership. Bayer scientists will design additional educational formats to promote science among students.

Laboratory Hans Finkelstein Wing

One of the laboratories in the Hans Finkelstein Wing and a memorial board dedicated to Dr. Hans Finkelstein. © Max Mordinson 

Chabad Lubawitsch

Helping bring light where there is darkness

Chabad Lubawitsch Berlin was founded in 1996 and has since become one of the largest Jewish Community Centers in Germany. The center includes a kosher restaurant, a Jewish ritual bathing facility (mikvah), a study center for Rabbis (yeshiwa), a library, a synagogue, and a school, along with a kindergarten. Chabad Berlin is helping Jews thrive in Germany and building intercultural bridges. With a plethora of initiatives such as the Chanukkiot at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and other prominent places in the German capital (and beyond) for the Jewish holiday of Hannukah, Chabad is making vibrant Jewish life in Germany visible for everybody. Chabad Lubawitsch wants to emphasize the positive aspects of German Judaism and help fight anti-Semitism as a result.


Bayer and Chabad Lubawitsch Berlin have been partners for many years, collaborating on different projects such as the Holocaust Remembrance Day and the commemoration of deportations from Güterbahnhof Moabit in Berlin.


With the Hans Finkelstein Wing at the Pears Jewish Campus in Berlin, the company will deepen this partnership, combining two things. While honoring the achievements of Dr. Hans Finkelstein and his legacy, we are also building a bridge to the future by giving students the opportunity to study and apply sciences.


Further information

Pears Jewish Campus



Chabad Lubavitch



No Future without Remembrance | Bayer Global