Published by:
Hans und Berthold Finkelstein Stiftung gGmbH
Represented by:
Annemarie Hühne-Ramm
Managing Director
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 1
51368 Leverkusen
Foundation Supervisory Authority:
Amtsgericht Köln
HRB 113003
Extract from the Shareholders' Agreement:
(1) The company pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-Privileged Purposes" of the German Fiscal Code (Abgabenordnung).
(2) The purpose of the company is: a) the promotion of science and research within the meaning of § 52 Para. 2 No. 1 of the German Fiscal Code, b) the promotion of education, public and vocational training, including student assistance within the meaning of § 52 Para. 2 No. 7 of the German Fiscal Code, c) the promotion of the remembrance of those persecuted within the meaning of § 52 Para. 2 No. 10 of the German Fiscal Code, and d) the promotion of international understanding, tolerance in all areas of culture, and the idea of international understanding within the meaning of § 52 Para. 2 No. 13 of the German Fiscal Code, in the field of remembrance and scientific examination of the injustices committed under the National Socialist regime, particularly in connection with I.G. Farben and forced laborers, as well as the future-oriented promotion of international understanding and the understanding of democracy, especially among young people.
Edited by:
Bayer AG
General requests
Media contact
Bayer AG
Public Affairs, Sustainability & Safety
51368 Leverkusen, Germany
represented by the Management Board:
Bill Anderson, Chairman
Wolfgang Nickl, Stefan Oelrich, Heike Prinz, Rodrigo Santos, Julio Triana
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Norbert Winkeljohann
© Copyright Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany
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Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 1
51373 Leverkusen, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)214 30-1
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Postal address
Bayer AG
Hans und Berthold Finkelstein Stiftung gGmbH
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 1
Building W 11
51368 Leverkusen, Germany
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