United for Democracy - we join forces 

The “United for Democracy” Fund pools resources from companies and foundations to strengthen civil society organizations. The first 840 000 euro grant awarded by the initiative supports organizations that are active in the German regions, the whole country or online. The Hans and Berthold Finkelstein Foundation is one of the partners.

United for Democracy

At the time of the 75th anniversary of the German constitution, hate and extremism are getting more and more visible and perceptible. This can be seen in verbal and more and more physical attacks during election campaigns, but also in rising anti-Semitism and racism. 


However, numerous civil society organizations and dedicated people have committed themselves to everyday work to defend democracy and diversity – locally, all over Germany and online. They receive financial support from funds to be able to expand their activities.


We would like to thank the Business Council for Democracy #BC4D, the Allianz Foundation, ProjectTogether, Charta der Vielfalt e.V., Scholz & Friends and all the other partner organizations from business and civil society who have launched the initiative.


Further information on the fund can be found here: vereintfuerdemokratie.de (in German)